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Neuroscience in an exclusive feature in the next issue of DATABASE

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Exclusive to the next edition of Database:

- Neuroscience, or when amateurism and incompetence meet malice.

- Police - There is already a war at the gates of Europe and it is known that I am sick... Yet some have the nerve to ambush me in railway stations, apparently ignoring what might befall them if I were to lose my life at their hands.

The film unfolds before my eyes and I discover how some manage to destroy a whole country... a whole continent.

Curses of the gods or the forces of nature? Or simply the bankruptcy of human beings?

At this level, they must have been cursed by their own founding fathers a long time ago.

Below are the neuroscience zombies (Caught red-handed gang-attacking), who claim to be working with public investigators





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