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Long live visionaries and innovators!

AI, the Riimex Matrix and Theory saved the patient's life

2nd Edition of DATABASE - Focus on monetary policy, sovereign debt and innovation 

Adaptation of the Riimex Matrix to the aviation and scientific research sectors


We plan to give an exclusive one hour interview to a selected media about the matrix for the banking and insurance sector, the automotive version, and explain why the non-paying customer was not able to use the matrix at 100% capacity and validate an autonomous driving car, and follow-up with the scientific research version, and how I did a successful work on myself, as the health experts made a lot of wrong diagnoses from my symptoms for more than ten years, and then finish with HMRC.

We have an ongoing exchange. However, interested specialized media are invited to contact us at, bearing in mind that this is a B2B research, AI and tech communication.

In this second edition of DATABASE, scheduled for 2025, we'll be focusing on monetary policy issues in a globalized economy, sovereign debt, and innovation, in particular the adaptation of the Riimex matrix to scientific research and the aviation sector.


For aeronautics, we'll be exploring military helicopter bases and international airports.


As for scientific research, which I'm going to go into in much greater detail here, we'll be highlighting the negative impact that neuroscience can have on wind-based diagnoses, completely misinterpreting the symptoms caused by the criminal offenses of these same neuroscientists and other charlatans, namely the rental of unsanitary, indecent and over-occupied housing.


This article is illustrated by some rather eloquent photos of the aforementioned dwellings + photos of the Riimex Matrix R&D and prototype for the scientific research.


More videos and photos of many other aggravated criminal offenses will follow shortly.

Consequences on the patient health following his stay in the unhealthy, indecent and over-occupied dwelling:

- Chronic and permanent allergic rhinitis, attested by medical certificate

- Tendonitis due to permanent calcification, attested to by medical certificate, and de Quervain's, also attested to by medical report.

- Chronic anemia, several vitamin deficiencies, attested by medical prescriptions and analyses

- Chronic skin infection problems, attested by prescriptions.

- Multiple sick leave from 2021 to 2024, for a total of over 70 days.

And there are many others that are even worse. They'll be mentioned in the next issue of DATABASE.

Other directly related health problems: Multi-nodular thyroid level 2, that turned to level 3, requiring surgery.

Not to mention the post-traumatic syndrome following the assaults, the abusive eviction, and the theft + destruction of all his belongings.


At the beginning of the verbal and physical assaults, the patient was just on edge and on the alert... This has been even told the police and the prosecutor.

But as time went by, the patient started to avoid then and became hyper vigilant... Then began to put up less and less with being in crowds and enclosed spaces with strangers.

Basically... A trauma that was neglected got worse.

It is therefore urgent that the patient receive at least part of the allowance, in order to get out of this unhealthy environment, where aggressive, frustrated and obviously jealous people, even though the patient don't know them, track her down to come and show her their resentment.

If they want to defend slum landlords and fraudsters, all they have to do is take their case to court.


Abusive eviction is a criminal offence, as Article 226-4-2 stipulates that The act of forcing a third party to leave the place where they live without having obtained the assistance of the State under the conditions set out in Article L. 153-1 of the Code des procédures civiles d'exécution, by means of maneuvers, threats, assault or coercion, is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of €30,000.

Renting unsanitary and indecent accommodation is also a criminal offence, as article 225-14 of the same code stipulates that: The act of subjecting a person whose vulnerability or state of dependence is apparent or known to the perpetrator is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine. or known to the perpetrator, to working or housing conditions incompatible with human dignity is punishable by seven years' imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 euros.

Home invasion 

Article 226-4 of the French Penal Code stipulates: Entering another person's home by means of maneuvers, threats, assault or coercion, except where permitted by law, is punishable by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.

 It's hard to hide the fact that they took the painting with them.

Aggravated assault

Among the videos to be published, there will be a quite shocking video of the sleep merchant neuroscientist and her companion coming to verbally and almost physically assault me with violence, the posture extremely unpleasant, at a time when I was suffering from a form of cancer, chronic and severe anemia, crises of chronic allergic rhinitis, a multi nodular thyroid, and many other health problems.


This was clearly an aggravated assault, as it was committed in group on a vulnerable person with serious health problems.


Violence resulting in an incapacity to work of eight days or less, or resulting in no incapacity to work, is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros when committed :


2° On a person whose particular vulnerability, due to age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental deficiency or pregnancy, is apparent or known to the perpetrator;

5° On a witness, a victim or a civil party, either to prevent him/her from denouncing the facts, lodging a complaint or giving evidence in court, or because of his/her denunciation or complaint, or because of his/her testimony before a national court or before the International Criminal Court;

8° By several persons acting as perpetrator or accomplice;

9° With premeditation or ambush;

Penalties are also increased to five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros when this offence, resulting in total incapacity for work of less than or equal to eight days, is committed in two of the circumstances set out in 1° et seq. of this article. Penalties are increased to seven years' imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros when the offence is committed in three of these circumstances.


And on this video alone, we already have 4 aggravating circumstances: A few screenshots of the video were published last year.

In a nutshell... Artificial intelligence, the Riimex matrix and Theory saved the patient's life, whereas neuroscientists and other health professionals were probably certain she was going to lose her life as a result of their failed and, above all, illegal Charlatan tests.

And if there's one thing I've learned, it's that damages and compensation don't wake the dead... The best victim, then, is the one who finds a way to stay alive in the face of a horde of savage, conniving, determined psychopaths.

Exclusive... Another version of the automotive prototype!

Long live visionaries and innovators!


Mag. Sabine Nkolo Atangana

Founder, CEO, Riimex Group

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