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Publication of DATABASE - Riimex Group first branded research book

The Riimex Group will launch the publication of its first branded research book, "DATABASE - Impact and Importance of Data" on February 23, 2023, in London, UK, Etc venue, Aldergate Street, at Insurance Times Brokerfeast celebration, with a planned follow up in Chicago, Toronto, and Amsterdam, in partnership with at least two global books distributors, including Ingram Content Group.

We will have two versions of the book:

1) A full detailed version for professionals and executives at £168 before December 25, and £240 from December 25.

2) A less detailled version at £35, for the general public.

Link to purchase:

While your book will give you access to the venue for a signature, the ticket for the access at the all event is £1,500

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